About BCAW
If you’re fed up with all those noisy planes taking off and landing at George Best Belfast City Airport, you’ve come to the right place!
BELFAST CITY AIRPORT WATCH is an umbrella residents’ group fighting for robust and properly enforced controls on aircraft noise. Please support our work and help us to campaign effectively on your behalf.
So what can I do?
Sign up as a supporter of BCAW and your money (if you can donate) and support will help us to make the best possible case on behalf of the residents. Email us on info@belfastcityairportwatch.co.uk to learn more about supporting BCAW.
What’s in it for me?
You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re at last able to take constructive action to stop City Airport getting any noisier
We’ll keep you up-to-date with our campaigns
What else can I do?
E-mail or write to your local MP, MLAs and/or councillors
Ask your politicians what they’re doing to help ensure City Airport doesn’t get any noisier
E-mail or write to your local papers and let them know about the problems aircraft noise causes you
Give up a few hours of your time each month to help us with BCAW’s work
How is BCAW set up?
Belfast City Airport Watch Ltd is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. All funds raised by BCAW Ltd will go towards our campaign.