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A message to all our supporters


The public inquiry into the airport’s proposals to relax noise controls and expand its operations starts on Monday, 18th May. This is crunch time and it’s crucial you act if you don’t want more aircraft noise. If the airport’s proposals are implemented, we could suffer potentially:

  • twice as many jet flights

  • double the noise annoyance*

We are asking you to take 3 simple steps to help stop these proposals:

  • if you can afford to, please make a donation (or further donation) to cover our legal, expert witness and other inquiry costs

  • print out and display our election poster in your front window

  • come along to the initial public inquiry hearing at 9.15am (for a 10am start) on Monday, 18th May at Park House, 87-91 Great Victoria St., Belfast, BT2 7AG (Park House is opposite the Go petrol station)

Please email us at if you’d like to:

  • request a lift to the first public inquiry hearing

  • get involved by investing a little spare time in helping our campaign

* Under the airport’s proposals, the overall annual flights limit remains, but flights by jets, which tend to be noisier than turbo-prop aircraft, could more than double. The new noise threshold sought by the airport would permit levels and frequency of noise which could well feel twice as annoying – in effect, potentially doubling the perceived noise nuisance although not the actual noise level.


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