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Late Flights


It is our opinion that the criteria used in deciding whether a delayed flight should be considered allowable under the” exceptional circumstances in extended hours” is not fit for purpose as it fails to provide the protection from noise for those living under or near the flightpath, intended by the agreement.

Over the last year, 410 delayed flights were allowed to operate into and out of GBBCA after 21.30 with reasons given for the delays such as "shortage of baggage loaders at Manchester, Late arrival of ambilift at Manchester, Delays at security at Manchester, No ramp agent available at Edinburgh, Staff shortages at Glasgow, Edinburgh, Gatwick, Leeds and Birmingham, airport congestion at various UK airports", etc.

Why should those living under the flightpath at Belfast have to suffer disturbance on an almost nightly basis because other airports do not have sufficient staff to handle the flights scheduled to operate?

If you think that the rules governing late flights should be strengthened, speak to your MLA and ask them to raise the matter with the Department for Infrastructure.

Do not suffer in silence.


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